Some blog posts make me happy. The ones that achieve this most often are those rare ones that offer a glimpse into the writer\’s mind. What she was thinking when writing a particular scene, how she came to invent a certain character, or what gave her the idea for a…
So do I. Really. I\’m just … not. Not when I want to be, anyway. Every now and then I end up in situations where my friends almost choke because they thought I was so hilarious. Those situations usually involve some joke I didn\’t understand and thus provoked a ridiculous…
That exact thought flashed through my mind the other day when I was waiting for the metro in D.C. to go home after a night out with some of my girlfriends. I look to the left, and there\’s this guy, and he looked EXACTLY like I picture Nathaniel, one of…
On September 2, I\’ve started my new job as Knowledge Management/Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist for The Demographic and Health Surveys Program (if you really want to know what I do, shoot me a message :P). Trying to wrap my brain around the myriad of new things that I will have…
One of the hardest parts on my journey to finding the writer in me is to find my very own writing voice. I\’ve often found myself wishing (and sometimes still do, I suppose) that I could write as humorous as Bill Bryson, as captivating and realistic as Donna Leon,…
When you are about to embark on a journey towards a new story —no matter of what length—, you have a lot to think about. 
 If you are like me, ideas for new stories pop up at the most random times: while taking a shower, while trying to go…
While I was taking a break from editing my novel manuscript the other day, I started working on another story that is part of a project I am working on together with Timewalkerauthor. After give or take 6000 words, I came across the oh-so-dreaded … [pause for dramatic effect] ……
Today, during my lunch break, I read two more essays from the book \”This I Believe II\” … personal philosophies of remarkable men and women; famous and normal alike. The two essays I read were, as the headline gives away, about grief and happiness, which are two emotions I currently…